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Terms and Conditions


By submitting an order, the customer expressly agrees to these terms and conditions.

In addition, the orderer confirms with the order that he / she is over 18 years old.

All orders are binding. Delivery time information is not binding. If delivery is delayed, you will be informed by e-mail. You have the option, if the delivery has not yet been sent, to have them canceled.


The liability for the delivered goods is limited to a replacement delivery. Claims for cancellation of the contract or reduction of the remuneration are excluded, if a replacement within a reasonable time is possible.

Objections due to defects in the goods can be asserted within 7 days. If the examination of the defective goods reveals that the defects are due to culpable behavior of the buyer (for example damage caused by improper handling), the buyer bears the costs of the replacement delivery.


We exclude all liability for the delivered / sold products within the scope of the legally permissible.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The legal relationships are subject to the law of the country of our head office. Jurisdiction is the location of our headquarters.